4 useful sites for your next Azure Workshop

Besides the Azure Portal of course, there are some useful and nicely done websites that I use during my workshops. Maybe they are also helpful for your next meeting.

Azure Charts

This site from Alexey Polkovnikov gives you a great overview over all Azure services and their latest updates. At this moment the region comparison tool is very useful to me. I use it for example to show my customers what services are still missing in the new Germany datacenters compared to West Europe.

Azure Speed

If my customers asking me about the “best” Azure region for they workloads from their location, i’ll open up Azure Speed and then discuss with them.


When talking about different prices for the same service in each region, I’m opening azureprice.net/region and show them the difference in VM pricing.

AAD Application Proxy Port Check

“Are we ready for AAD App Proxy?” – Start with checking the connections from your designated server. It’s a nice starting point. 

If you have more useful sites, let me know!

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